me too
Is there anything more powerful than hearing the words “me too”?
When you open up and share something about yourself and that other person has been there, something magical happens.
If you’re a bird, I’m a bird
That “me too” bond makes us feel safe, appreciated and open to discuss it further.
Ever shared your lowest moment with someone you hardly knew? In the moment between your words and their response, you wonder why on Earth you even opened your mouth in the first place. It’s like time slows down and you can feel your heart pounding.
But then their face softens, they break down, they hug you, and say “me, too.”
When this happens, know it wasn’t by coincidence. God gave us community and the ability to communicate because He knew we’d need it. He knew in this world we’d have troubles (John 16:33) but that He would overcome them. His wisdom pours through us when we listen and obey.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shared with someone that we suffered with recurrent miscarriages. That sweet momma heart in the listener swells so big as they recall their own loss, and share it out loud for perhaps the first time in a decade. ME TOO
There have been a handful of times that I’ve shared with close friends about the abandonment and divorce that broke our family and rocked my world as a teenager. Hearing them reciprocate their similar experience helps me heal, helps them through, and gives us an opportunity to bond and pray like no other. Generational curses can be broken. Your parents’ choices are not your own. It’s hard, I’ve been there just like you have. ME TOO
I was at the park with my 3 kids who were 4 and under at the time, when I saw a beautiful very pregnant momma with her two little boys. I couldn’t ignore the feeling and just had to ask- “how are you? How’s having kids so close together been for you?” She laughed and we immediately hit it off. We became the closest of friends and are now each pregnant with our fourth babies. With her, I’m safe. No judgment. She totally gets it. It’s a hot mess express sometimes but we are on the same crazy yet rewarding train. ME TOO
I sing. Like a lot. If I’m having a conversation with you and something you say reminds me of a song, I’m either singing in my head or I’ll sing it out loud. I’m a human jukebox and totally ok with it. I actually had someone tell me once it was annoying. Not my person. My sister, my best friends, my hubby, my kids, my dad, some of my coworkers, ohhhh goodness it’s like 24/7 karaoke fest. They jump right in to the madness because they also live with music in their hearts. A humming or singing child or adult has peace and joy. I just love the smiles my people get when I bust out singing “our song” because their hearts sing out, saying ME TOO
These birds in the picture make look different. They’re varying sizes and colors. They probably eat at different times or fly in different patterns. But they’re together. They have a common bond somewhere. You’re a bird, so I’m a bird. ME TOO
Next time you’re with a close friend or a family member, ask yourself what that “me too” connection is. While many are healthy and happy bonds, some aren’t. Pray that God places you only where He wants you to be, not just where you feel you should or ought to be.
Listen to those around you, be open and vulnerable when you feel led. And when you find your “me too” moments, your “same here” people, hold on to them and love them well.
Me too,